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Getting Started


Use pip to install the panda3d-simplepbr package:

pip install panda3d-simplepbr

To grab the latest development build, use:

pip install git+


Just add simplepbr.init() to your ShowBase instance:

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

import simplepbr

class App(ShowBase):
    def __init__(self):


PBR Textures

simplepbr expects the following textures are assigned to the following texture stages:

  • BaseColor - Modulate
  • MetalRoughness - Selector
  • Normals - Normal
  • Emission - Emission

For best results, ensure your asset pipeline is generating PBR materials for Panda3D. For example, glTF files loaded with panda3d-gltf are known to work well. However, EGG files do not support PBR materials at the time of writing.

Tangents and Normal Maps

To use normal maps, simplepbr expects 4-component tangent values (with no bi-normal/bi-tangent), which matchesl glTF. Panda3D may also switch to 4-component tangents in the future. Unfortunately, this means that panda3d-gltf is the best option for getting vertex data that works with normal mapping in simplepbr.