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While not the trickiest thing to setup with standard Panda3D APIs, skyboxes can still be a bit involved to get right. simplepbr provides a utility function to take out some of the guess-work and just get a skybox going:

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

import simplepbr

class App(ShowBase):
    def __init__(self):


        cubemap = self.loader.load_cube_map('cubemap_#.hdr')
        self.skybox = simplepbr.utils.make_skybox(cubemap)

EnvMap and Image-based Lighting

Imaged-based lighting (IBL) requires a simplepbr.EnvMap. These asynchronously pre-compute items necessary for IBL diffuse (spherical harmonics) and IBL specular lighting (pre-filtered environment map). EnvMap objects can also be saved to disk to avoid doing these calculations at runtime as they can be quite slow. Similar to Panda3D's TexturePool, simplepbr provides a simplepbr.EnvPool to automatically handle caching EnvMap objects. Below is an example of using simplepbr.EnvPool to load a simplepbr.EnvMap from cubemap files on disk:

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

import simplepbr

class App(ShowBase):
    def __init__(self):

        env_map = simplepbr.EnvPool.ptr().load('cubemap_#.hdr')


To created EnvMap files offline, simplepbr ships with an hdr2env tool:

hdr2env cubemap_#.hdr cubemap.env

An env file can be loaded like cubemap images using:

env_map = simplepbr.EnvPool.ptr().load('cubemap.env')